
全控制台代码一览代码 – 效果tasman – explores the map (开地图)cruijff – all units have infinite movement (大地图无限移动)hauer – level up all units and heroes in the selected army (选择单位立即升级)

hein – win the current game (获胜)oppenheimer – win the current game through doomsday victory (末日科技获胜)surrendertome – forces the AI to surrender (强迫ai投降)

leeuwenhoek – completes the current research (当前研究立即完成)philips – completes the production queue in every city (快速建造)

rembrandt – grants 100000 Energy and Cosmite (100k能量和合金)masterskills – completes all research (完成全部研究)

instantskills – skills research instantly (立即完成技能研究?)ruijter – unlocks all hero equipment (解锁全部英雄装备)oldenbarnevelt – grants maximum influence (获得最大影响力)

ikbedoelalles – unlocks all world map operations from all races and secret techs (解锁全部行动)freepop – only works with colony selected, gives the colony an additional colonist. (给选择的城市添加人口,格式如:10 freepop)

iamgod – always win in auto combat (自动战斗必定获胜)optimalprime – enables operations to instantly prime (行动立即完成)

appeasefaction – only works with faction units selected, improves relations with selected faction (改善和选择单位派系的关系)

hatefaction – only works with faction units selected, decreases relations with selected faction (恶化和选择单位派系的关系)

makeally – only works when looking at a commander in the diplomacy screen, changes diplomatic state with that commander to an alliance (设定盟友外交状态?)

Demo : Get all research and a ton of resources (获得全部科技和1吨资源)(Other cheats for diplomatic states are; makedefensive, makepeace, makeneutral, makewar)(对外交国的其他作弊手段包括:防卫,使和平,使中立,制造战争)

Some of our cheats, such as freepop, can be scaled by adding a number and a space in front. For example; ’10 freepop’ as a cheat, will give you 10 colonists in the selected colony(我们的一些作弊行为,例如freepop,可以通过在前面加上数字和空格来扩展。

例如; “ 10自由流行”作弊,将为您提供所选殖民地中的10位殖民者)以上就是游戏中所以的控制台代码,希望对你有帮助,如果你喜欢游戏的话,不妨关注一下当游网,我们还会带来更多的游戏攻略与你一起分享。



All resources come from the network, this site does not participate in any dump or hack activities, if there is any violation of your rights, please provide relevant proof and email hljlife@vip.qq.com, I will promptly delete it.


